Creative Music-Making
Music has long been a strength of the school. We are fortunate to have our own experienced music teacher who teaches music in all year groups including Early Years. The music curriculum builds pupils understanding of music sequentially, introducing them to different musical concepts as their knowledge becomes more secure. Music is often tied closely to the children’s REAL Project; for example, a recent Year 5 project on Space included an in depth exploration of Holst’s The Planets.
We have our own dedicated music room on the top floor of the school, fully equipped with a range of instruments. We also have a recording studio complete with DJ equipment. Both of our specialist spaces are used to support creative music-making across the school.
Opportunity for All
In line with our school vision, we are committed to ensuring that children are given a wide range of high quality opportunities. During their time at Hotham, all children are given the opportunity to learn an orchestral instrument for a year, for free. We provide instruments for all pupils and they receive a weekly lesson from a specialist teacher. Currently pupils in Year 4 are learning the clarinet. Many pupils continue with instrumental lessons beyond this, and all pupils, regardless of whether they continue, are equipped with a greater understanding of what it means to be a musician.
We regularly work with external experts, such as Wandsworth Music, English National Opera, the Royal Philharmonic, and many others.
Ensembles and Instrumental Lessons
We value music-making beyond the classroom, and have a number of choirs and ensembles for children (and parents!) to join.
Our long-standing community choir runs weekly and includes children, parents, carers, staff, grandparents, and… well anyone in our community who wants to join! With regular performances, it is an example of the importance of community to Hotham.
We offer instrumental lessons in a range of instruments - most are available on request. Currently, we offer regular lessons in piano, violin, flute and clarinet.
Intent: Vision and Philosophy of Music
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At Hotham we recognise that a high quality music education is important to the overall education and well-being of our children. Participation in musical activities and the study of music can and should contribute to the whole school curriculum by developing in pupils, regardless of ability, the following essentially transferable skills and attributes:
delight in a sense of individual and collective achievement
aesthetic appreciation and discrimination
listening skills and sensitivity to sound
imagination and inventiveness
intellectual and artistic skills
the ability to analyse and solve problems
valuing other pupils' contributions
study skills, including attention to detail, lengthened attention span, concern for accuracy, memorising and the interpretation of sounds and symbols
social skills, including co-operation, resourcefulness, perseverance, tolerance and self-confidence
self motivation, self-discipline, self-analysis and self-evaluation
Implementation: What does Music look like at Hotham?
All children are taught regular weekly lessons taught by our music specialist. Lessons are carefully planned to follow the National Music Curriculum and the Government Model Music Curriculum (2021)
Year 4 children receive free clarinet lessons. These lessons are taught by a professional clarinettist with free loan of instruments so there are no financial barriers to pupils learning to play an instument.
Peripatetic lessons for piano and violin are also available for pupils who would like to further their instumental lessons
There are two choirs: one comprising school children Y4 - Y6 and one a “Community choir” for parents, staff and children
As well as our weekly music lesson, all years meet once a week for singing assemblies where pupils are taught breathing and singing techniques
Opportunities for outside performances are sought and enjoyed and visits to hear professional musicians take place.
Impact: Evidence and Assessment of Music
In KS 1 and 2, pupils are continually assessed. The teacher uses their professional judgement to make formative assessments to adjust planning and to move children on. Aural responses are assessed in class and the children often demonstrate key phrases of music individually for assessment, praise and encouragement. The children use ‘show me’ mini-whiteboards for quick formative assessments for notation and other activities. Summative assessment takes place twice a year. Our pupils have several opportunities during their time at Hotham to showcase their musical and stagecraft skills by performing for small and large audiences.
Music Overview
Please see an overview of our Music curriculum below.